I'm suppose to write a program using functions and modules that accepts six names from the user and print it back to the screen. It should then ask the user which name they want deleted and print to the screen all the other names except the one deleted. It should then tell the user which name is deleted.

To write a program that accepts six names from the user and prints them back, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a function called `get_names()` that will prompt the user for the six names. Inside the function, use a loop to ask the user for input six times and store the names in a list.

Step 2: Create a function called `print_names(names)` that will take the list of names as an argument and print them back to the screen. You can use a loop to iterate through the list and print each name.

Step 3: Create a function called `delete_name(names)` that will delete a name from the list. Inside the function, prompt the user to enter the name they want to delete. Use the `remove()` function to remove that name from the list.

Step 4: In the `delete_name()` function, after removing the name from the list, use the `print_names()` function to print the remaining names.

Step 5: Finally, in the `delete_name()` function, print a message to notify the user which name was deleted.

Here's a sample program that implements these steps:

def get_names():
names = []
for i in range(6):
name = input("Enter a name: ")
return names

def print_names(names):
for name in names:

def delete_name(names):
name_to_delete = input("Enter the name you want to delete: ")
print("Deleted name:", name_to_delete)
print("Remaining names:")

# Main program
names_list = get_names()

You can execute the above program and follow the instructions to enter the names and delete one of them. The program will then print the remaining names, as well as the name that was deleted.

Sure! I can help you with that. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a program that accepts six names from the user, deletes a specific name, and then prints the remaining names.

Step 1: Import the required module
Start by importing the `sys` module, which will allow you to retrieve user input.

import sys

Step 2: Define the main function
Create a function called `main()` that will contain the main logic of your program.

def main():
# Your code goes here

Step 3: Get input from the user
Inside the `main()` function, prompt the user to enter six names and store them in a list.

def main():
names = []
for i in range(6):
names.append(input("Enter name {}: ".format(i+1)))

Step 4: Prompt the user to select a name for deletion
After getting the names from the user, prompt them to enter the name they want to delete and store it in a variable.

def main():
names = []
for i in range(6):
names.append(input("Enter name {}: ".format(i+1)))

delete_name = input("Enter the name you want to delete: ")

Step 5: Delete the selected name
Use the `remove()` function to delete the selected name from the list of names.

def main():
names = []
for i in range(6):
names.append(input("Enter name {}: ".format(i+1)))

delete_name = input("Enter the name you want to delete: ")

if delete_name in names:

Step 6: Print the remaining names
Print the remaining names to the screen using a loop.

def main():
names = []
for i in range(6):
names.append(input("Enter name {}: ".format(i+1)))

delete_name = input("Enter the name you want to delete: ")

if delete_name in names:

print("Remaining names:")
for name in names:

Step 7: Print the deleted name
Finally, print the name that was deleted.

def main():
names = []
for i in range(6):
names.append(input("Enter name {}: ".format(i+1)))

delete_name = input("Enter the name you want to delete: ")

if delete_name in names:
print("{} has been deleted.".format(delete_name))

print("Remaining names:")
for name in names:

# Call the main function

That's it! You have successfully written a program that accepts six names from the user, deletes a specific name, and then prints the remaining names along with the deleted name.