A solid metal ball and a hollow plastic ball

of the same external radius are released from
rest in a large vacuum chamber.
When each has fallen 1 m, they both have
the same
1. momentum.
2. inertia.
3. speed.
4. change in potential energy.
5. kinetic energy.

... Same Speed. That is what Galileo's experiment in Pisa was all about.

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To answer this question, let's analyze the properties of the solid metal ball and the hollow plastic ball as they fall in a vacuum chamber.

1. Momentum: Momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. Since both balls are released from rest, they initially have zero momentum. As the balls fall, gravity accelerates them, and their velocities increase. However, because both balls experience the same acceleration due to gravity, they will have the same velocity when they have fallen the same distance. Therefore, their momenta will be equal when each ball has fallen 1 m. Thus, the answer is 1. momentum.

2. Inertia: Inertia is the resistance an object has to changes in its motion. It depends solely on an object's mass. The solid metal ball has all its mass concentrated in a compact volume, while the hollow plastic ball has its mass distributed over a larger volume. As a result, the solid metal ball has a higher mass than the hollow plastic ball, and therefore, it has greater inertia. Thus, the answer is not 2. inertia.

3. Speed: The speed of an object is the magnitude of its velocity. As mentioned earlier, both balls experience the same acceleration due to gravity as they fall. Therefore, when they have fallen the same distance (1 m), they will have the same speed. Thus, the answer is 3. speed.

4. Change in potential energy: Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position. As the balls fall, their potential energy decreases, and it is converted into kinetic energy. The change in potential energy depends on the object's mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height it falls. Since both balls have the same external radius and fall the same distance, they will experience the same change in potential energy. Thus, the answer is 4. change in potential energy.

5. Kinetic energy: Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its motion. It is given by the equation K.E. = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. Since the balls have the same speed when they have fallen 1 m, their kinetic energies will also be the same. Thus, the answer is 5. kinetic energy.

In summary, when each ball has fallen 1 m, they both have the same momentum (answer 1), speed (answer 3), change in potential energy (answer 4), and kinetic energy (answer 5).