How would the 2s and 3p orbitals differ from the 1s and 2p orbitals? Check all that apply.

possible answers
The and orbitals would have more nodes than and orbitals.
The orbital would be the same shape as the orbital but would be smaller in size.
The and orbitals would have more nodes than and orbitals.
The orbitals would have the same shape as the orbitals but would be smaller in size.
The orbital would be the same shape as the orbital but would be larger in size.
The orbitals would have the same shape as the orbitals but would be larger in size.

The 1s orbital is a sphere and the 2p orbital is made up of three dumbbells oriented in the x, y and z direction. The 2s orbital would be the same shape as the 1s orbital, but would be larger in size and the 3p orbital would have the same shape as the 2p orbitals bout would be larger in size. Also, the 2s and 3p orbitals would have more nodes.


The orbitals 2s and 3p would be the same shape as the 1s and 2p, but would be larger in size.

To determine how the 2s and 3p orbitals differ from the 1s and 2p orbitals, let's break down the options one by one:

1. The 2s and 3p orbitals would have more nodes than the 1s and 2p orbitals: This option is correct. Nodes are regions in an atomic orbital where the probability of finding an electron is zero. Higher energy orbitals (such as the 2s and 3p) have more complex shapes and therefore more nodes compared to lower energy orbitals (1s and 2p).

2. The 2s orbital would be the same shape as the 2p orbital but would be smaller in size: This option is incorrect. The 2s and 2p orbitals have different shapes. The 2s orbital is a spherical orbital centered around the nucleus, while the 2p orbitals are dumbbell-shaped with two lobes on opposite sides of the nucleus.

3. The 3p and 2s orbitals would have more nodes than the 2p and 1s orbitals: This option is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, higher energy orbitals have more complex shapes and therefore more nodes. However, the 2p orbital has one nodal plane, dividing it into two lobes, while the 3p orbital has two nodal planes, dividing it into three lobes.

4. The 2s orbitals would have the same shape as the 2p orbitals but would be smaller in size: This option is incorrect. The shapes of the 2s and 2p orbitals are different, as described in option 2.

5. The 3s orbital would be the same shape as the 3p orbital but would be larger in size: This option is incorrect. The 3s and 3p orbitals have different shapes. The 3s orbital is a spherical orbital centered around the nucleus, similar to the 2s orbital. The 3p orbital, on the other hand, has two nodal planes and three lobes.

6. The 3p orbitals would have the same shape as the 3d orbitals but would be larger in size: This option is incorrect. The 3p and 3d orbitals have different shapes. The 3p orbital has two nodal planes and three lobes, while the 3d orbital has four nodal planes and five lobes.

So, the correct options that apply are:
- The 2s and 3p orbitals would have more nodes than the 1s and 2p orbitals.
- The 3p orbitals would have the same shape as the 3d orbitals but would be larger in size.

You have typed all of the possible choices for answers and omitted (left blank spaces I suppose) for 1s, 2s 2p, 3p where ever they appear in the choice. Can't help you.