in 1750 where did most colonist come to america from?

Spain, France, and England

Didn't most speak English?

In order to find out where most colonists came from in 1750, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the time period: 1750.
2. Conduct research on historical events and demographics during that time.
3. Look for information on immigration patterns and the origins of American colonists in the 18th century.
4. Analyze primary and secondary sources, including government records, historical documents, and scholarly articles.
5. Consider consulting databases or resources specifically dedicated to immigration history or colonial demographics.

While I can provide a general answer based on historical knowledge, it's important to note that specific data might vary based on various factors such as individual circumstances, different regions, and the evolving nature of historical research.

During the mid-18th century, the majority of colonists in America were of British origin, especially those in the thirteen British colonies that eventually became the United States. These colonies included areas such as New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and the Southern colonies. However, it's worth noting that there were also substantial numbers of colonists from other European countries, such as Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands, among others.

By following the research steps mentioned earlier, you can explore more in-depth information and find accurate data regarding the origins of colonists in America during the specific time period of 1750.