revise the following sentences to eliminate faulty sentence structure, making them clear and grammatically need help with the following sentences:

An effective Web site is well designed, provides useful information, and links are given to other relevant sites.

To enroll in film school being my primary goal, so I am always saving my money and watching for scholarship opportunities.

The equipment in our new warehouse is guaranteed to last longer than our current facility.

Irony is when you expect one thing and get something else.

By turning off the water when you brush your teeth, saving up to eight gallons of water per day.

Here's the first one. As you can see, I revised to have a parallel structure.

An effective Web site is well designed, provides useful information, and gives links to other relevant sites.

I'll be glad to check your revisions of the other sentences.


can please review the other ones

need help with this one: To enroll in film school being my primary goal, so I am always saving my money and watching for scholarship opportunities.

See Writeacher's recommendation.

Here's how you can revise the sentences to eliminate faulty sentence structure and make them clear and grammatically correct:

1. An effective website is well designed, provides useful information, and includes links to other relevant sites.
Explanation: The original sentence was structurally incorrect as it did not include a verb after the word "links." By adding the verb "includes" before "links," the sentence becomes grammatically correct.

2. My primary goal is to enroll in film school, so I am always saving money and watching for scholarship opportunities.
Explanation: In the original sentence, the structure was flawed as it started with a gerund phrase ("To enroll in film school"). Rearranging the sentence to begin with the main clause and rephrasing the gerund phrase as an infinitive ("to enroll") helps correct the sentence structure.

3. The equipment in our new warehouse is guaranteed to last longer than that in our current facility.
Explanation: The original sentence was grammatically incorrect because it did not contain a comparative element (comparing "the equipment in our new warehouse" to "our current facility"). By adding "that" after "longer than" and including a comparison to "that in our current facility," the sentence becomes structurally sound.

4. Irony occurs when you expect one thing but get something else.
Explanation: The original sentence was grammatically incorrect because it substituted the verb "is" with the noun "irony." By rephrasing the sentence to include the verb "occurs" and using "but" instead of "and" to emphasize the contrast between expectations and reality, the sentence becomes clearer and grammatically correct.

5. By turning off the water when you brush your teeth, you can save up to eight gallons of water per day.
Explanation: The original sentence was fragmented as it lacked a subject for the action of "saving up to eight gallons of water per day." By adding the pronoun "you" before "can save" and rephrasing "saving" to the present participle form "by turning off," the sentence becomes grammatically correct and coherent.