The Football field needs to be cut for the bog game on saturday. If the lawn service cuts 1/3 of the field on tuesday, and 1/8 of the field on thursday, what portion of the field remains to be cut on friday?

1/3 + 1/8 = 8/24 + 3/24 = 11/24

24/24 - 11/24 = ?

To find out what portion of the field remains to be cut on Friday, we need to subtract the portions of the field that have already been cut from the total field.

Let's start by finding the portion of the field cut on Tuesday, which is 1/3. To calculate the remaining portion, we subtract 1/3 from 1 (since 1 represents the whole field):

1 - 1/3 = 2/3

So, after cutting 1/3 of the field on Tuesday, 2/3 of the field remains to be cut.

Next, we need to calculate the portion of the field cut on Thursday, which is 1/8. We'll subtract this portion from the remaining 2/3:

2/3 - 1/8 = 16/24 - 3/24 = 13/24

After cutting 1/3 of the field on Tuesday and 1/8 of the field on Thursday, 13/24 of the field remains to be cut on Friday.