

To factor the expression 9 - 900f^2, we can start by factoring out the greatest common factor (GCF) if there is one. In this case, we can see that 9 is a perfect square, so we can write it as (3)^2.

Next, we notice that both terms in the expression have a common factor of f^2. We can factor it out by writing the expression as f^2(9 - 900). Now, we can further simplify the expression inside the parentheses.

The expression inside the parentheses, 9 - 900, can be simplified by subtracting the two terms. 9 minus 900 is equal to -891, so we have f^2(-891).

Putting it all together, the factored form of 9 - 900f^2 is (3)^2 * f^2 * (-891), which can also be written as -891f^2 * 9 or -9 * 99f^2.