2. A nutrient that helps control the amount of fluid in your body


I thinks its A


To identify the nutrient that helps control the amount of fluid in your body, you can analyze the options provided: sodium, calorie, protein, and nutrition.

Sodium is the correct answer in this case. It is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of fluids within your body. Sodium helps regulate the water content both inside and outside of your cells, including your blood volume. It works in conjunction with other electrolytes, such as potassium, to maintain fluid balance and conduct nerve impulses.

To reach this conclusion, you might have considered that calories are units of energy, not related to fluid balance. While protein is essential for several bodily functions, it is primarily involved in building and repairing tissues, not specifically controlling fluid levels. Lastly, nutrition is a broad term encompassing the intake and utilization of nutrients, but it is not a specific nutrient itself.

Therefore, the correct answer is sodium.