
LCM(6,15,10) = 30, so if you multiply all the terms by 30, you get

5(x-3) - 2(7) <= 3(3x-1)
5x-3-14 <= 9x-3
-4x <= 14
x >= 7/2

To solve the given inequality, let's break it down into smaller steps:

Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation by finding a common denominator for all fractions involved. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 30.

For the left side, multiply the first fraction by 5/5 and the second fraction by 2/2 to obtain a common denominator of 30:

[(x - 3)(5)] / (6)(5) - [(7)(2)] / (15)(2) ≤ [(3x - 1)(3)] / (10)(3)

Simplifying the numerators and denominators gives us:

(5x - 15) / 30 - 14 / 30 ≤ (9x - 3) / 30

Step 2: Combine the fractions on both sides:

(5x - 15 - 14) / 30 ≤ (9x - 3) / 30

Simplifying the numerators gives us:

(5x - 29) / 30 ≤ (9x - 3) / 30

Step 3: Remove the denominators by multiplying through by 30:

30(5x - 29) / 30 ≤ 30(9x - 3) / 30

Simplifying further:

5x - 29 ≤ 9x - 3

Step 4: Rearrange the equation to isolate the variable:

Subtract 5x from both sides:

-29 ≤ 9x - 5x - 3

Simplify the equation:

-29 ≤ 4x - 3

Step 5: Add 3 to both sides:

-29 + 3 ≤ 4x - 3 + 3

Simplify the equation:

-26 ≤ 4x

Step 6: Divide both sides by 4:

-26 / 4 ≤ 4x / 4

Simplify the equation:

-6.5 ≤ x

So, the solution to the inequality is x ≤ -6.5.