Can someone please help me with my question? I don't understand how to find the line of best fit.

Of course! I'll be happy to help you understand how to find the line of best fit. The line of best fit, also known as the regression line, is a line that represents the relationship between two variables in a scatter plot. It is used to predict values of the dependent variable (Y) based on the independent variable (X). Here's how you can find the line of best fit:

1. Start with a scatter plot: Plot your data points on a graph with the X variable on the horizontal axis and the Y variable on the vertical axis.

2. Visually estimate the line: Look at the scatter plot and try to observe the general trend of the data. Are the points mostly linear? Do they slope upward or downward?

3. Calculate the slope (m): The slope of the line of best fit represents how much the dependent variable changes for a one-unit increase in the independent variable. You can calculate the slope using the following formula:

m = (Σ[(X-X̄)(Y-Ȳ)]) / Σ[(X-X̄)²]

In this formula, Σ represents the sum of the values, X̄ is the mean of the X variable, and Ȳ is the mean of the Y variable.

4. Calculate the intercept (b): The intercept of the line of best fit represents the value of the dependent variable when the independent variable is zero. You can calculate the intercept using the following formula:

b = Ȳ - mX̄

5. Write the equation of the line: Now that you have the slope (m) and intercept (b), you can write the equation of the line of best fit in the form: Y = mx + b, where Y is the dependent variable and X is the independent variable.

6. Plot the line: Use the equation of the line to plot it on the scatter plot. This line should visually represent the best fit for your data points.

Remember, the line of best fit is a linear approximation and it may not perfectly fit all the data points. However, it provides a reasonable representation of the overall relationship between the variables.