72 is what percent of 480? Write and solve an equation to solve the problem

i come to this site when my parents are gone or asleep, because obviously they can't help me when I can't talk to them. So I try not to get answers from here, I try to get some help. Do you think my teacher will tell me I am cheating, like Sams teacher? I hope not, because online school is the best and i dont want to be accused of cheating. :(

GEEEZ everybody shut up its not cheating its helping people understand better

Oh, and I see no one got the answer yet. Well, I'll put it in an equation and you should be able to do the rest on paper or a calculator.

72/480 x 100 = ?

? will be your final answer to the problem.

What's funny, how will the teachers "catch" us if we're not using their computer? AND we don't use our real names on this site, so jokes on you, you CAN'T catch us. We're not using your computer (some of us aren't anyway). Unless you're hacking our personal computers, then damn, that's creepy.

Come on guys. We came here to get help on homework, no to accuse people of being dumb. I need some help so I can get my math done.

our teachers know- jikisha advertizes them- do you want me to stay sleep deprived and sad bc my teachers don't care about me and give me so much work at once I stay up all night and still get 18 overdue lessons?? because listen here- I D O N T

cute Siamese THANK U for finally answering the question after I read through so much drama that was completely unneeded

-I knew the answer just not how to get so thanks again now I can finally got to sleep


Bruh really we came here for help not judgement so teachers and fellow students lets figure this out so we can get bac to r lifes

i ate an entire bag of popcorn reading this