Match the expression:

subtract 41 from 24 raised to the 6th power; then multiply by 2.
Is it A. (24^6-41) x 2
Or B. 24^6-41 x 2
Or C. (24-41)^6 x 2

To match the expression, we first need to understand the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS).

PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

In this expression, we have three different operations: subtraction, raising to the power, and multiplication.

The correct order of operations for this expression is as follows:
1. Evaluating the exponent (power) of 24 raised to the 6th power.
2. Subtracting 41 from step 1.
3. Multiplying the result from step 2 by 2.

Let's evaluate the options according to this order:

A. (24^6-41) x 2
According to the correct order of operations, we should subtract 41 from 24 raised to the 6th power first and then multiply the result by 2. So, A matches the expression.

B. 24^6-41 x 2
This option does not follow the correct order of operations. It multiplies 41 by 2 before subtracting it from 24 raised to the 6th power. Therefore, B does not match the expression.

C. (24-41)^6 x 2
This option incorrectly subtracts 41 from 24 instead of raising 24 to the 6th power. Therefore, C does not match the expression.

In conclusion, A. (24^6-41) x 2 is the correct match for the expression "subtract 41 from 24 raised to the 6th power; then multiply by 2."