Lydia behaves appropriately only because she is aware of rewards and punishments. Which level of moral reasoning do her behaviors reflect

1. preconventinal morality
2. conventinal morality
3. unconventinhal morality
4. postconventinal moralty

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To determine the level of moral reasoning reflected in Lydia's behaviors, we need to understand the different levels of moral reasoning proposed by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.

1. Preconventional Morality: In this level, individuals make decisions based on self-interest and the avoidance of punishment. They follow rules to avoid negative consequences.

2. Conventional Morality: This level involves making decisions based on societal norms and expectations. Individuals follow rules to gain approval and maintain social order.

3. Unconventional Morality: At this level, individuals question societal norms and rules and make decisions based on their personal values and principles, even if they go against the expectations of others.

4. Postconventional Morality: This highest level involves making decisions based on universal principles and ethics, even if they conflict with societal norms or laws.

Based on the given information that Lydia behaves appropriately because she is aware of rewards and punishments, her behaviors reflect the first level, preconventional morality. She is motivated by self-interest and the avoidance of negative consequences rather than following societal norms or personal values.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1. Preconventional morality.