ms fuller has 2 2/6 pies left over from her party.write the number of pies left over as a fractor greater than 1

To convert the mixed number "2 2/6" to a fraction greater than 1, you need to add the whole number and the fraction together.

Step 1: Convert the whole number to a fraction.
Since there are 2 whole pies, you can convert it to a fraction by writing it as 2/1.

Step 2: Add the whole number fraction to the existing fraction.
The existing fraction is 2/6. To add these fractions, you need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 6.
2/1 + 2/6 = 12/6 + 2/6 = 14/6.

So, the number of pies left over as a fraction greater than 1 is 14/6.