The ice-cream cone wrapper is having the flat side on the top and the point at the bottom.

Draw the shape of this ice-cream cone wrapper when it is slit from the edge to the center point and flattend out.

Please tell answer and explain

We can't draw anything in this forum.

what do you mean?


Thanks Anonymous.

To draw the shape of the ice-cream cone wrapper when it is slit from the edge to the center point and flattened out, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by drawing an oval shape on a piece of paper. This oval represents the base of the cone.

Step 2: From the top of the oval, draw two curved lines that meet at a point slightly above the center of the oval. These lines will form the sides of the cone.

Step 3: Extend one of the curved lines downward, maintaining the curvature, until it reaches the bottom of the oval. This line represents the straight edge of the ice-cream cone wrapper.

Step 4: Now, draw a straight line from the point where the two curved lines meet to the bottom of the oval. This line represents the other edge of the slit.

Step 5: Connect the bottom of the straight line to the straight edge of the wrapper using a curved line. This line completes the slit in the wrapper.

Step 6: Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and clean up the drawing to make it appear neat and accurate.

When you flatten out the ice-cream cone wrapper by cutting and opening it along the slit, the resulting shape will resemble an irregular sector of a circle with a curved edge on one side and a straight edge on the opposite side.

I hope this explanation helps you in drawing the shape of the ice-cream cone wrapper when it is slit and flattened out!

What is your question?

what is the shape of the ice cream cone wrapper?