Graph each equation by making a table. Y = 4

Y = 4 will give you a horizontal straight line, since it will be 4 for all values of x.

What are the other equations? What type of table?

To graph the equation y = 4, we can create a table of values. Here is how you can do it:

Step 1: Choose some values for x.
You can choose any values for x, but it's usually helpful to use a range of values that are easy to work with. Let's choose x values from -5 to 5.

Step 2: Substitute the chosen x values into the equation to find the corresponding y values.
For each value of x, substitute it into the equation y = 4 and solve for y.

Let's create a table to illustrate this:

| x | y |
| -5 | 4 |
| -4 | 4 |
| -3 | 4 |
| -2 | 4 |
| -1 | 4 |
| 0 | 4 |
| 1 | 4 |
| 2 | 4 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 4 | 4 |
| 5 | 4 |

Step 3: Plot the points on a graph.
Using the coordinates from the table, plot the points (x, y) on a graph. Since y = 4 for all values of x, the points will all lie on a horizontal line passing through y = 4.

Step 4: Connect the points.
Join the plotted points with a straight line. In this case, you will simply have a horizontal line passing through y = 4.

Graphically, the equation y = 4 represents a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis, located at the y-coordinate 4.

To graph the equation y = 4, you can create a table of values by assigning different values to x and finding the corresponding y-values.

Let's choose a few values for x and calculate their respective y-values:

When x = 0, y = 4.
When x = 1, y = 4.
When x = -1, y = 4.
When x = 2, y = 4.
When x = -2, y = 4.

Now, we have a table of values:

x | y
0 | 4
1 | 4
-1 | 4
2 | 4
-2 | 4

Plotting these points on a graph, you'll notice that all the points have the same y-value of 4, regardless of the x-value. This creates a horizontal line that intersects the y-axis at the point (0, 4). The line is parallel to the x-axis and extends infinitely in both directions.

x y table