5. The Li atom has three electrons. Measured values of the �first and second ionization potentials are 5.3917 eV and 75.6400 eV, respectively.

(i) Calculate the exactly correct value of the third ionization potential. Hint: What kind
of species is Li+2? Give the result in atomic units (hartree).
(ii) Use the above information to determine the exact ground-state energy of Li+. Again,
give the answer in atomic units.
Next you will calculate the ground-state energy of Li+ variationally, using the trial function
psi(r1,r2) = psi1s(Z)(r1)psi1s(Z)(r2), with psi1s(Z)(r) a 1s orbital for nuclear charge Z.
(iii) Write out W(Z), the expectation value of the Li+ Hamiltonian with the trial function. Your answer will contain various integrals, which you can evaluate with information
from either of your textbooks. Cite book and page/eqn number for integrals that you use.
(iv) Plot W(Z) versus Z and determine Z and W(Z) at the minimum. Determine the
variational estimate of the ground-state energy of Li+. Compare this result to the correct
value in (ii). Do the approximate and correct energies show the expected relationship to
each other? Discuss the physical signi�cance of your value of Zmin.

To solve this problem, we will go through each part step by step. Here's how we approach it:

(i) To calculate the third ionization potential, we need to consider the species Li+2. Li+2 has lost two electrons, leaving behind one electron. Therefore, we need to find the ionization potential for removing this last electron.

The ionization potential can be calculated as the difference between the previous ionization potential and the current one. So, the third ionization potential (IP3) is given by IP3 = IP2 - IP1.

From the given information, IP1 = 5.3917 eV and IP2 = 75.6400 eV.

Therefore, IP3 = 75.6400 eV - 5.3917 eV = 70.2483 eV.

To convert this value to atomic units (hartree), we use the conversion factor 1 hartree = 27.2114 eV.

So, IP3 (in atomic units) = 70.2483 eV / 27.2114 eV/hartree ≈ 2.5799 hartree.

(ii) To determine the exact ground-state energy of Li+, we need to consider the species Li+ with two electrons. This is the same as the Helium atom (He) with one additional positive charge.

The exact ground-state energy of Li+ can be calculated using the principle of conservation of energy. We know that the total energy of Li+ will be equal to the sum of its ionization potential (IP1) and the ground-state energy of the remaining Li+ ion.

From the given information, IP1 = 5.3917 eV.

Using the conversion factor mentioned earlier, IP1 (in atomic units) = 5.3917 eV / 27.2114 eV/hartree ≈ 0.1980 hartree.

The ground-state energy of Li+ (E+) = IP1 + E-Li+.

Therefore, E-Li+ = E+ - IP1 ≈ E+ - 0.1980 hartree.

(iii) To calculate the expectation value of the Li+ Hamiltonian (W(Z)) with the given trial function, we need to express it in terms of various integrals involving the wave function.

The trial function is psi(r1, r2) = psi1s(Z)(r1) * psi1s(Z)(r2), where psi1s(Z)(r) is a 1s orbital for nuclear charge Z.

The Hamiltonian operator is defined as H = - (1/2) * (d^2/dr1^2 + d^2/dr2^2) - Z/r1 - Z/r2 + 1/r12.

To calculate W(Z), we need to evaluate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian using the trial function psi(r1, r2).

Since the integrals involved in this calculation are quite involved, it is advisable to refer to the relevant equations in your textbooks or any other reliable source.

(iv) Once we have the expression for W(Z), we can plot it as a function of Z to study its behavior. The minimum of the plot corresponds to the variational estimate of the ground-state energy of Li+. The value of Z at the minimum will correspond to the optimal value that minimizes the energy.

Comparing the variational estimate of the ground-state energy to the exact ground-state energy calculated in part (ii) will indicate the accuracy of the variational method.

The physical significance of Zmin will depend on the context of the problem and the specific system being studied.

It is important to consult relevant textbooks or other trustworthy resources to perform the necessary calculations and obtain accurate results.