What's the linear density of body center cubic (0,1,1)of Molybdenum

To calculate the linear density of a crystal structure, such as body-centered cubic (BCC), you need to know the lattice parameter and the atomic radius of the element in question.

For Molybdenum (Mo), the lattice parameter for BCC crystal structure is 3.147 Å (angstrom) and the atomic radius is approximately 1.44 Å.

The linear density in BCC crystal structure can be calculated using the following formula:

Linear Density = Number of Atoms / Length of the Edge

In BCC structure, there are two atoms present. One atom is at the center of the unit cell, and the other atom is at the corner of the unit cell.

To calculate the length of the edge, we need to determine the distance between the center of the unit cell and the corner of the unit cell. This can be obtained using the Pythagorean theorem:

Length of the Edge = √(a^2 + (0.5a)^2 + (0.5a)^2)

where 'a' is the lattice parameter.

Substituting the given values:

Length of the Edge = √(3.147^2 + (0.5 * 3.147)^2 + (0.5 * 3.147)^2)

Now we can substitute the values into the formula for linear density:

Linear Density = 2 / Length of the Edge

By performing the calculations, you can find the linear density of Mo in the BCC (0,1,1) crystal structure.