Help me not fail my Spanish III class?

Write the 'yo' form preterite of the following verbs.
1. comenzar
2. practicar
3. jugar
4. almorzar
5. tocar
6. buscar
7. llegar
8. pagar
9. cruzar
10. empezar

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the preterit tense.
1. creer -- to think, to believe: El estudiante_________en la libertad.
2. construir -- to construct: Yo________una casa pequeña.
3. incluir -- to include: Vosotras_________dos manzanas en el paquete.
4. leer -- to read: Tú_________la revista anoche.
5. incluir -- to include: Ustedes_________tres manzanas en la bolsa.
6. creer -- to think, to believe: Yo_________en la libertad.
7. huir -- to flee: Carmen_________el año pasado.
8. leer -- to read: Nosotras_________el periódico ante ayer.
9. contribuir -- to contribute: Yo_________con dinero.
10. huir -- to flee: Las chicas_________de la prisión.
11. incluir -- to include: Yo_________el recibo en la bolsa.
12. huir -- to flee: Teresa, José y yo_________de la prisión.
13. creer -- to think, to believe: Nosotros_________que fue necesario.
14. creer -- to think, to believe: Tú_________en su sinceridad.
15. incluir -- to include: Ustedes_________la información en la carta.

These are my review questions for a big test coming up... Can you help me on them so I don't fail? Explain how to find the answer? Thanks so much for all the help!! Remember the Golden Rule and if your gonna hate don't answer! Sorry if that doesn't apply to you. All HELP is appriciated. :)

If you know none of these answers, you deserve to fail.

By Spanish III you should have a handle on the tenses and conjugations of these verbs, or at least know how to find them. Just look them up. Someone here would be happy to confirm your answers.

The verbs you have listed are all car, gar, zar verbs. They change in the yo form to remain true to their sound, so here are the endings.

car - que
gar - gue
zar - ce

now apply this rule to your questions up above to answer the questions, oh and don't forget the accent mark on the e.

for the next part i would recommend googling a spanish dictionary because a lot of those are stem changers, but here's something to get you started.

notice these verbs:


these all end in similar endings so they will follow a similar conjugation pattern (Hint: the pattern has to do with them stem changing in the third person and third person plural forms, the i should change to a y so construir is construyo, accent on the o)

notice these verbs:


these also have a similar ending so they also will have similar conjugations (Hint: same thing with the previous verbs stem changers in the third person and third person plural, leer will be leyo with an accent over the o)

Conjugations aren't difficult as long as remember these patterns, so be on the look out for them as you find the full conjugations of them online.

oh and here's the forms of the verbs you should use for each number.

1. el/ella/usted
2. yo
3. vosotras (same as vosotros form)
4. tu
5. ustedes
6. yo
7. el/ella/usted
8. nosotras (same form as nosotros)
9. yo
10. ellas/ellos/ustedes
11. yo
12. nosotros
13. nosotros
14. tu
15. ustedes

1. comenzar ---> 1. start

2. practicar ---> 2. practice
3. jugar ---> 3. play
4. almorzar ---> 4. lunch
5. tocar ---> 5. touch
6. buscar ---> 6. search
7. llegar ---> 7. get
8. pagar ---> 8. pay
9. cruzar ---> 9. cross
10. empezar ---> 10. Start

Of course, I'm here to help you! Let's start by going through the questions one by one and explaining how to find the answers.

1. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'comenzar' is 'comencé'. To find the answer, you need to know the conjugation of the verb in the preterite tense and identify the subject pronoun 'yo', which means 'I' in English.

2. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'practicar' is 'practicé'. Just like the previous question, you need to know the conjugation of the verb in the preterite tense and identify the subject pronoun 'yo'.

3. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'jugar' is 'jugué'. Again, you need to know the conjugation of the verb in the preterite tense and find the subject pronoun 'yo'.

4. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'almorzar' is 'almorcé'. Follow the same process as before to find the correct answer.

5. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'tocar' is 'toqué'. Remember to identify the subject pronoun 'yo' and apply the conjugation rule.

6. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'buscar' is 'busqué'. Keep applying the same process to find the correct answer.

7. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'llegar' is 'llegué'. Follow the same process as before and identify the subject pronoun 'yo'.

8. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'pagar' is 'pagué'. Remember to identify the subject pronoun 'yo' and apply the appropriate conjugation.

9. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'cruzar' is 'crucé'. Apply the same process as before to find the answer.

10. The 'yo' form of the preterite tense of the verb 'empezar' is 'empecé'. Remember to identify the subject pronoun 'yo' and apply the conjugation rules.

For the fill in the blank exercise, the conjugation of the verb in the preterite tense will depend on the subject pronoun used.

Let's take a look at the first question:
1. The verb is 'creer' (to think, to believe). The subject pronoun is 'El estudiante' (the student), which corresponds to the third person singular. Therefore, the correct form in the preterite tense is 'creyó'.

You can apply the same process to find the answers for the remaining questions.

Remember, understanding the conjugation rules for the preterite tense and identifying the subject pronouns in the sentence are key to finding the correct answers. Practice these rules and the specific conjugations of the verbs, and you'll be well-prepared for your test. Good luck!