While you are at rest, your brain gets about 15% by volume of your blood. If your body contains 5.2 L of blood, how many liters of blood are in your brain at rest? and how many quarts?

5.2L blood total.

5.2L x 0.15 = ?L to brain.
Look up the conversion factor for L to quarts.

To calculate the amount of blood in your brain, you can use the given percentage and the total volume of blood in your body.

Step 1: Convert 15% to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
15 ÷ 100 = 0.15

Step 2: Multiply the total volume of blood in your body by the converted percentage.
5.2 L × 0.15 = 0.78 L

Therefore, there are approximately 0.78 liters of blood in your brain at rest.

To convert this amount into quarts, you can use the conversion factor that 1 liter is equal to 1.057 quarts.

Step 3: Multiply the volume of blood in your brain (in liters) by the conversion factor.
0.78 L × 1.057 quarts/L = 0.8226 quarts

Therefore, there are approximately 0.8226 quarts of blood in your brain at rest.