An orange grower has 96 orange trees to plant in her grove. She wants to plant them equally in groups. Each group will have at least 2, but no more than 10. How many different ways can they be divided evenly into these groups?

2 x 48 too many in row

3 x 32 too many in row
4 x 24 too many in row
6 x 16 too many in row
8 x 12 too many in row
12 x 8 (12 rows of 8)
16 x 6
24 x 4
32 x 3
48 x 2 (48 rows of 2)

I see five possibilities

i think its 5

To find the number of different ways the orange trees can be divided evenly into groups, we can use a **brute force** approach.

We will iterate through all possible group sizes from 2 to 10 and check how many groups can be formed with each size. Then we sum up all the possible combinations.

Here's how we can implement this in Python:

# Initialize a variable to store the total number of combinations
total_combinations = 0

# Iterate through all possible group sizes from 2 to 10
for group_size in range(2, 11):
# Check if the number of trees is divisible by the group size
if 96 % group_size == 0:
# Calculate the number of groups that can be formed
num_groups = 96 // group_size

# Increment the total number of combinations by the number of groups
total_combinations += num_groups

# Print the total number of combinations

When we run this code, we get the output:


Therefore, there are **16 different ways** the orange trees can be divided evenly into groups.