(1) 9.6 dividedby 1.2=8

(2) 57.8 divided by 3.4= 17
(3) 2.3 divided by 21.643= 941
(4) 0.51 dividd by 0.459= 9
(5) 0.16 divided by 3.8= 23 remainder 12
(6) 0.78 divided by 15.6=
(7) 0.048 dividedby 7.2=150.0

help Ms. Sue

3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are wrong.

Sure, I can help you with these division problems.

(1) To divide 9.6 by 1.2: Divide the numerator (9.6) by the denominator (1.2). The result is 8.

(2) To divide 57.8 by 3.4: Divide the numerator (57.8) by the denominator (3.4). The result is approximately 17.

(3) To divide 2.3 by 21.643: Divide the numerator (2.3) by the denominator (21.643). The result is approximately 0.1064.

(4) To divide 0.51 by 0.459: Divide the numerator (0.51) by the denominator (0.459). The result is approximately 1.1120.

(5) To divide 0.16 by 3.8: Divide the numerator (0.16) by the denominator (3.8). The result is approximately 0.0421. However, you mentioned that the answer is 23 remainder 12. It seems like you also performed a long division. In this case, if you perform long division, you would get a quotient of 0.0421 with a remainder of 0.12. So, the answer could be written as 0.0421 or 23 remainder 12.

(6) To divide 0.78 by 15.6: Divide the numerator (0.78) by the denominator (15.6). The result is approximately 0.05.

(7) To divide 0.048 by 7.2: Divide the numerator (0.048) by the denominator (7.2). The result is approximately 0.0067. It seems like you mentioned the answer is 150.0, but that doesn't match the actual division result.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.