Please, help me!

5/(x^2 - 4) + 2/(x^2 - 4x - 3) - 3/(x^2 - x - 6)

check your typing:

I think the denominator of the middle term should be x^2 - 4x + 3 and I will assume it as such
Otherwise we have a terrible mess

5/((x+2)(x-2)) + 2/((x-1)(x-3) - 3((x-3)(x+2))
LCD = (x+2)(x-2)(x-1)(x-3)

[ 5(x-1)(x-3) + 2(x+2)(x-2) - 3((x-1)(x-2)) ]/[(x+2)(x-2)(x-1)(x-3)]

expand and simplify the top