if james spends 5/6 of his weekly allowance

seeing a movie how many dollars does he have
if a movie ticket cost
7.50 what is james weekly

$7.50 = 5/6x

Solve for x.

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I need the answer of what is his weekly allowance

To find out how many dollars James has left after spending 5/6 of his weekly allowance on a movie, we need to first determine the value of his entire weekly allowance.

Let's assume the amount James has left is "x" dollars.

Since James spent 5/6 of his allowance on the movie, what remains must equal 1/6 of his allowance:

x = (1/6) * (James's weekly allowance)

The cost of the movie ticket is given as $7.50. So:

(1/6) * (James's weekly allowance) = $7.50

To find James's weekly allowance, we algebraically manipulate the equation:

Multiply both sides of the equation by 6:

6 * (1/6) * (James's weekly allowance) = 6 * $7.50

This simplifies to:

James's weekly allowance = $45

So, James's weekly allowance is $45.

To determine how much money he has left after seeing the movie, we subtract the cost of the movie ticket ($7.50) from his weekly allowance:

James has left = James's weekly allowance - Cost of movie ticket
= $45 - $7.50
= $37.50

Therefore, James has $37.50 left after seeing the movie.