What is SUM AVERAGE? The professor mentioned that the exam average was 58 [out of 100] and sum average was 144

In order to understand what the professor meant by "sum average," let's break down the terms individually:

1. Sum: The sum refers to the total of all numbers in a given set or group.

2. Average: The average, also known as the mean, is calculated by dividing the sum of all numbers in a set by the total number of elements in that set.

So, when the professor mentioned that the exam average was 58 and the sum average was 144, it means that 144 is the sum of all the exam scores, and 58 is the average score obtained by dividing the sum by the total number of exams.

To find the individual exam scores, you would need more information such as the number of students, the range of scores, or the distribution of scores. Without any additional data, it is not possible to determine the precise individual exam scores.