How can I get 24 out of 2.4, 7.5, 1, and 6 using +, -, *, and/or /

0.042 divided bye 7.20 =1.5 is that correct


To get the number 24 out of the given numbers (2.4, 7.5, 1, and 6) using addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/), you can use the following expression:

(7.5 - 2.4) * (6 - 1) = 24

Here's how to derive this result step by step:

1. First, subtract 2.4 from 7.5:
7.5 - 2.4 = 5.1

2. Next, subtract 1 from 6:
6 - 1 = 5

3. Finally, multiply the results of the previous two steps:
5.1 * 5 = 25.5

Since the expression (7.5 - 2.4) * (6 - 1) equals 25.5 and not 24, you may need to adjust the operations or consider using additional numbers to achieve the desired result.