When a the subject of sentence has 2 or more nouns or pronouns connected by “and,” the subject is singular and requires a singular verb.

A) True
B) False

My answer B


I am my friend are playimg

To confirm if your answer is correct, let's go through the explanation.

The statement mentioned about the subject of a sentence containing two or more nouns or pronouns connected by "and". According to the rule of subject-verb agreement, when the subject consists of multiple nouns or pronouns connected by "and", a plural verb is required. This is because the subject is plural and requires a corresponding plural verb.

For example:
- "John and Mary are going to the movies." (correct)
- "The dog and the cat is playing in the garden." (incorrect)

In the incorrect example, a singular verb "is" is used instead of the plural verb "are" because the subject "the dog and the cat" is plural.

Based on this explanation, it appears that your answer B) False is correct. The subject of a sentence with two or more nouns or pronouns connected by "and" is plural and requires a plural verb, not a singular verb.