How would you go about doing this problem? I've tried and with the answer given I still can't figure it out. If anyone could explain it would be greatly appreciated!

(((2x)^2 2x)^2 2x)^2

what do you want to do? simplify the expression? just work your way inside-out.

(2x)^2 = 4x^2

but now we have (4x^2 2x) ... ??

what does (2x)^2 2x mean? is there a missing operator there? +? *?

When I have (2x)^2 2x on the paper the 2x to the right is right after the squared. So its (((2x) squared 2x) squared 2x) squared

I still don't get it

squared is written ^2
as in 3^2 = 9

3^2 3 doesn't mean anything. Especially followed by a parenthesis

Normally two numbers separated by a space are multiplied, as in 3 x = 3 times x

This (2x)^2 2x just makes no sense. Are the parentheses written as you show them? Oh well; maybe smarter heads than mine will see it.

Is it (2x)^(2x)^(2x) ? Doubt it

To solve the expression (((2x)^2 * 2x)^2 * 2x)^2, we can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Step 1: Evaluate the innermost parentheses.
Inside the first set of parentheses, we have (2x). Squaring it gives (2x)^2 = 4x^2.
So, now our expression becomes (4x^2 * 2x)^2.

Step 2: Simplify the multiplication.
Multiply 4x^2 by 2x. Using the property of exponents (x^a * x^b = x^(a+b)), we add the exponents since the bases are the same: 4x^2 * 2x = 8x^3.
Our expression now becomes (8x^3)^2.

Step 3: Simplify the exponentiation.
To simplify (8x^3)^2, we raise 8x^3 to the power of 2. This means we multiply it by itself: (8x^3)^2 = (8x^3) * (8x^3) = 64x^6.

So, the simplified form of the expression (((2x)^2 * 2x)^2 * 2x)^2 is 64x^6.

If you've been getting a different answer, please make sure to follow these steps carefully, as any mistake in evaluating the individual components could lead to a different result.