The surface area of a cube is 150cm squared.

The area of one face of the cube is 25cm squared.

What is the length of one edge of the cube?

Obviously, if the area of one face is 25 cm^2, then the side must be 5 cm --- (5x5 = 25 , or √25 = 5 )

Notice there are 6 faces to a cube, and if each one is 25, then the total area is 150 , as stated.

To find the length of one edge of the cube, we need to use the given information about the surface area and the area of one face.

The surface area of a cube is the sum of the areas of all six faces. Since all the faces of a cube are identical, we can find the surface area by multiplying the area of one face by 6.

Given that the surface area of the cube is 150 cm², we can write the equation:

Area of one face × 6 = Surface area of the cube

Substituting the given value of the area of one face (25 cm²), we have:

25 cm² × 6 = 150 cm²

Simplifying the equation further:

150 cm² = 150 cm²

Both sides of the equation are equal, meaning the given values are consistent. Therefore, we can conclude that the length of one edge of the cube is √25 cm or 5 cm.