I would like to know about some gestures.

1. If somebody puts his spread right hand on his belly, what does this gesture mean?

2. If a person puts his thumb up, what does this gesture mean?

3.If a person makes a circle with a thumb and the index finger, what does it mean?

4. If a person puts his thumb on his ear and put his little finger on his lip, what does it mean? Making a phone call sign?

5. Would you let me know the sites where I can get information about the gestures above? Thank you.

1. Either full or hungry

2. Right; yes; OK

3. OK

4. Yes

5. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gestures

1. When someone puts their spread right hand on their belly, it could imply a couple of different things based on context and cultural interpretation. In some cultures, this gesture might indicate satisfaction, contentment, or a general sense of well-being. In other cases, it could simply be a relaxed and casual positioning of the hand. To determine the exact meaning, it would be useful to consider the individual's body language, facial expressions, and the overall context of the situation.

2. When a person puts their thumb up, it generally signifies approval, agreement, or a positive affirmation. This gesture has become widely recognized as a symbol of "thumbs up" or "good job" across different cultures and contexts.

3. If a person makes a circle with their thumb and index finger, it can have different meanings depending on the specific cultural context. In some cultures, this gesture may symbolize "OK" or "everything is fine." In other contexts, it could be interpreted as a gesture meaning "money" or "perfect."

4. The gesture of putting the thumb on the ear and the little finger on the lip is commonly known as the "phone call" sign. This gesture is widely recognized as mimicking the act of talking on the phone. It can indicate that the person is either making or receiving a phone call.

5. To find more information about gestures and their meanings, you can try the following websites:

- The Body Language Project (www.bodylanguageproject.com): This website is a comprehensive resource on body language, including gestures and their interpretations.
- Psychology Today (www.psychologytoday.com): Psychology Today has articles and resources on nonverbal communication, which includes information on gestures.
- Cultural Atlas (www.culturalatlas.sbs.com.au): This website provides cultural information about different countries and includes sections on body language and gestures specific to those cultures.

Remember that gestures can have different meanings depending on the cultural context, so it's always important to consider the specific cultural background and social norms when interpreting them.