Given: and mEGF�Ú=60 mAGF�Ú=�‹90; Prove: mAGB�Ú=�‹30.

wE nEED tHE cHART???

To prove that mAGB�Ú=�‹30, we need to use the given information and apply the properties of angles in a triangle.

First, let's draw a diagram to better understand the problem. Draw a triangle ABC, where A is the vertex opposite to side BC, B is the vertex opposite to side AC, and C is the vertex opposite to side AB. Then, label the points G and F on side AC such that G is between A and F.

Now, we are given that mEGF�Ú=60 and mAGF�Ú=�‹90. Let's mark these angles on the diagram.

Since mEGF�Ú=60, we label angle EGF as 60 degrees.

Now, let's use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

The sum of the angles in triangle AGB can be expressed as:

mAGB + mBGA + mABG = 180

Since we are trying to prove that mAGB�Ú=�‹30, we substitute 30 degrees for mAGB in the equation:

30 + mBGA + mABG = 180

Next, we can use the fact that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees to eliminate mBGA and mABG. From the given information, we know that mAGF�Ú=�‹90, so substituting this into the equation, we have:

30 + 90 + 90 = 180

Now, let's simplify this equation:

210 = 180

This equation is not true, so our assumption that mAGB�Ú=�‹30 is incorrect.

Therefore, we cannot prove that mAGB�Ú=�‹30 based on the given information.