HELLPPP ME PLEASE I ONLY KNOW THE LAST QUESTION! I need to have more than three steps! Please help!

B. A discount of 20% is applied to the doll’s original price of $12.99. What is the price of the dolls with the discount applied to $12.99 + 5% tax? Show all of your work!
Hint: Calculate the tax AFTER finding the discount price.

2. The price of an iPad mini is $329. What is the price of the iPad with a 15% discount? Show all of your work!

B. During Christmas, the iPad Mini’s price goes up 10%. There is also a sales tax of 10% added to the increased price. What is the price of the iPad Mini after the increase and sales tax?
Hint: Calculate the tax AFTER finding the increased price.

1. The price of three dolls are $12.99. What is the price of the dolls with a 5% sales tax? Show all of your work!


12.99 * 0.2 = 2.60 discount
12.99 - 2.60 = 10.39 new price
10.39 * 0.05 = 0.52 tax
10.39 + 0.52 = 10.91 price for each doll

Study how I found that answer. Then try # 2 yourself.

I'll be glad to check your work. Hint: the new price of the iPad is around $280.

Oh I asked my teacher she helped me never mind you were right too! Thanks!

Sure, let me break down the steps for you to solve these three problems:

Problem B:
1. Calculate the discount: Multiply the original price ($12.99) by the discount percentage of 20% to find the amount of discount.
2. Subtract the discount amount from the original price to get the discounted price.
3. Calculate the tax on the discounted price: Multiply the discounted price by the tax rate of 5% to find the tax amount.
4. Add the tax amount to the discounted price to get the final price of the dolls after the discount and tax.

Problem 2:
1. Calculate the discount: Multiply the original price ($329) by the discount percentage of 15% to find the amount of discount.
2. Subtract the discount amount from the original price to get the discounted price.

Problem B:
1. Calculate the increase: Multiply the original price ($329) by the increase percentage of 10% to find the increased amount.
2. Add the increased amount to the original price to get the price after the increase.
3. Calculate the tax on the increased price: Multiply the increased price by the tax rate of 10% to find the tax amount.
4. Add the tax amount to the increased price to get the final price of the iPad Mini after the increase and sales tax.

Remember to show all of your work while performing these calculations. If you need further assistance or have any specific questions within these steps, feel free to ask!