How do you find the sales tax of something? Here is one of my problems:

The price of three dolls are $12.99. What is the price of the dolls with a 5% sales tax? Show all of your work!

I cannot figure out how to put up an equation and solve this problem. Please help!

12.99 * 1.05 = x

or -- if the dolls cost 12.99 each -- then ---

3(12.99)(1.05) = x

thanks but its

12.99*0.2 = 2.60 discount

12.99 - 2.60 = 10.39 new price

10.39 * 0.05 = 0.52 tax

10.39 + 0.52 = 10.91 price for each dolls

Am I correct

Yes I think it is thank you Lila

I like your name Lila

thank you bye

To find the price of the dolls with a 5% sales tax, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the sales tax percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, we divide 5 by 100, which gives us 0.05.

Step 2: Calculate the sales tax amount by multiplying the price of the dolls by the sales tax rate. In this case, we multiply $12.99 by 0.05:

Sales tax amount = $12.99 x 0.05
Sales tax amount = $0.6495

Step 3: Calculate the total price by adding the price of the dolls to the sales tax amount:

Total price = $12.99 + $0.6495
Total price = $13.6395

Now, to answer your specific question, the price of the dolls with a 5% sales tax is $13.6395.