Describe in detail by words how to prepare 200ml of .150M HCl from a 1.00 M HCl stock solution? Need help with this please?

i used C1V1=C2V2 and got volume 2 = 33L or 0.33mL.
to prepare the solution i need to weigh 1 gram of HCL (from 1.00M HCl stock solution)lets say i put it in a graduated cylinder, then i put the right amount of stock solution or water i'm confused until it reach the mark .33mL. pls pls check my answer thank you

Thanks for providing the numbers. I don't know what you did wrong but here is how you do it. Pay particular attention to the "how to do it" after you obtain the right number.

c1v1 = c2v2
200mL x 0.15M = 1.00M x v2
v2 = (200 x 0.15/1) = 30 mL.
Take 30.0 mL of the 1.00 M stock solution, place in a 200 mL volumetric flask (we'll assume they make such things), and add water to the mark.

You're working with volume; therefore, weighing is not the right word to use. Also, note that your 33 L (that isn't right) but it is converted to mL correctly either. 33 L = 33,000 mL and you should have thought something was wrong since you started out making 200 mL TOTAL volume.

To prepare 200 mL of a 0.150 M HCl solution from a 1.00 M HCl stock solution, follow these steps:

1. Determine the amount of stock solution needed:
Use the dilution formula C1V1 = C2V2, where:
- C1 is the concentration of the stock solution (1.00 M)
- V1 is the volume of the stock solution to be used (unknown)
- C2 is the desired concentration of the final solution (0.150 M)
- V2 is the final volume of the solution (200 mL or 0.200 L)

Rearrange the formula to solve for V1:
V1 = (C2 × V2) / C1
V1 = (0.150 M × 0.200 L) / 1.00 M
V1 = 0.030 L or 30 mL

So, you need 30 mL of the 1.00 M HCl stock solution.

2. Measure out the appropriate amount of stock solution:
Use a graduated cylinder or a volumetric flask to measure out 30 mL of the 1.00 M HCl stock solution. Make sure to use proper laboratory techniques for accurate measurement.

3. Add water to reach the final volume:
Take a clean container (e.g., beaker or volumetric flask) and pour the measured 30 mL of the stock solution into it. Then, add water slowly while stirring until the total volume reaches 200 mL. The water will dilute the concentrated HCl solution and bring it to the desired concentration.

4. Mix well:
Finally, use a stirrer or gently swirl the solution to ensure proper mixing of the stock solution and water. Allow the solution to reach room temperature before further usage.

Important Notes:
- Always label the container with the concentration, date, and any other necessary details.
- Be cautious when handling concentrated solutions like HCl, as they can be corrosive and cause harm if mishandled. Wear appropriate protective equipment like gloves and goggles.