On a radar screen the distance between two planes is 3 1/2 inches. If the scale is 1 inch on the screen to 2 miles in the air, what is the actual distance between the two planes.

Please help! thank you.
Do I use x represent a distance. I'm stuck. Help!!!

is it 7??

I don't know but if I write in proportion 1/2=3.5/x

Thanks for your help.

The Plse Help person is rgt lol

To solve this problem, we can use a proportion to relate the measurements on the radar screen to the actual distance between the two planes. Here's how you can do it:

Let's say the actual distance between the two planes is represented by the variable x (in miles).

According to the given information, 1 inch on the screen represents 2 miles in the air. Therefore, we can set up the following proportion:

1 inch on screen / 2 miles = 3 1/2 inches on screen / x miles

Simplifying the fraction, 3 1/2 can be written as 7/2, so the proportion becomes:

1 / 2 = (7/2) / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

1 * x = (2 * 7) / 2

x = 14 / 2
x = 7

Therefore, the actual distance between the two planes is 7 miles.

In summary, to solve this problem, you need to set up a proportion using the measurements on the radar screen and the scale. Then, cross-multiply and solve for the unknown value.