I have to write an essay about one of the social problems during the Industrial Revolution according to the book call "Frankenstein". I don't know which topic should I choose that have enough evidence from the book to write a 7pgs essay.

This will talk about Social Problems during the Revolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution#Social_effects

I gave you a site for themes in Frankenstein in a previous post.


I would suggest that child labor would give you lots of material to work from.

To choose a topic for your essay on social problems during the Industrial Revolution in relation to the book "Frankenstein," you can consider exploring the theme of child labor. Child labor was a prevalent social issue during the Industrial Revolution, and it is addressed in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein."

To get started, you can refer to the Wikipedia page you provided on the social effects of the Industrial Revolution to understand the broader context of the issue. This will help you gain a general understanding of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society, particularly regarding child labor.

Next, you can visit the website you previously have been given (http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1165801446) to explore the themes present in "Frankenstein." This will help you identify specific instances and evidence in the book that relate to the topic of child labor.

While reading "Frankenstein," pay attention to scenes or references that mention the working conditions of children, the exploitation of their labor, and the consequences of such practices. Take notes, bookmark specific pages, and gather quotes that you find relevant to support your essay.

Once you have collected enough evidence from the book, you can start structuring your essay. Begin with an introduction that provides background information on the Industrial Revolution and its impact on society, including the issue of child labor. Then proceed to present your thesis statement, which should clearly outline your position on how "Frankenstein" addresses this social problem.

In the body paragraphs of your essay, present the evidence from the book, using quotes and specific examples to support your arguments. Analyze how Shelley portrays the issue of child labor, describing the conditions faced by children, the moral implications, and the societal consequences. Support your analysis with evidence from both the book and external sources, such as historical accounts of child labor during the Industrial Revolution.

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and highlight the significance of Shelley's portrayal of child labor in "Frankenstein" as a representation of the social challenges faced during the Industrial Revolution.

Remember to follow the guidelines given by your instructor regarding the length, formatting, and specific requirements for your essay.