Zac moved 1/5 of the things from his old bedroom to his new dorm in 32 1/2 minutes.

How long will it take in minutes for him to move all his things to his new dorm room?

I need help with the problem I want to know the equation and how to get the answer. And please tell me the answer!


6 1/2 minutes? No!

0.2x = 32.5

x = 32.5 / 0.2

x =

162 1/2

4 minutes

(1/5)x = 32.5

Solve for x

Hint: I'd change 1/5 to its decimal equivalent.

Is the answer somehow 6 1/2

Connie rode the roller coaster at the amusement park. After 3 minutes, the ride was 3/4 complete. How long did the entire ride take?

To find the answer, we need to set up a ratio between the fraction of things Zac moved and the amount of time it took. We know that Zac moved 1/5 of his things in 32 1/2 minutes.

First, we need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number (32) by the denominator (2) and add the numerator (1), which gives us 65/2.

Now, we can set up the ratio:

1/5 = x/65/2

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

5 * (65/2) = x

Multiply 5 by 65 and divide the product by 2:

325/2 = x

Now, let's simplify the fraction by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2:

325/2 * 2/2 = 650/2 = 325

So, Zac moved all his things to his new dorm room in 325 minutes.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to solve the problem!