sal got into an elevator and went down 3 floors then went up 4 floors, then down 5 floors. he was then on the second floor. what floor did he get into the elevator?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

is it the 6th floor?


salwas on the 6th floor(sixth)

To determine the floor Sal got into the elevator, we need to calculate his starting floor based on the information given.

First, let's break down the movements:
- Sal went down 3 floors.
- Then, he went up 4 floors.
- Finally, he went down 5 floors and ended up on the 2nd floor.

To find the starting floor, we need to reverse the order of Sal's movements.

Starting with the 2nd floor and reversing the last movement, we can add 5 floors up, which brings us to the 7th floor (2nd floor + 5 floors = 7th floor).

Next, we reverse the second movement of going up 4 floors. We subtract 4 floors from the 7th floor, which brings us to the 3rd floor (7th floor - 4 floors = 3rd floor).

Lastly, we reverse the first movement of going down 3 floors. Subtracting 3 floors from the 3rd floor, Sal must have gotten into the elevator on the ground floor (3rd floor - 3 floors = Ground floor).

Therefore, Sal got into the elevator on the ground floor.