nucleus of oxygen-15 undergoes electron capture. Write out the reaction equation and determine the identity of the daughter nucleus

¹⁵₈O + ₋₁⁰e=¹⁵₇N

To determine the reaction equation for the electron capture process in the nucleus of oxygen-15, we need to understand the concept of electron capture.

Electron capture occurs when an unstable nucleus captures an electron from its inner shell, such as the K-shell. This process converts a proton into a neutron, reducing the atomic number by one. As a result, the daughter nucleus is formed.

For oxygen-15, the atomic number is 8, meaning it has 8 protons. In electron capture, one of these protons will capture an electron and become a neutron.

The reaction equation for the electron capture process in oxygen-15 can be written as follows:

^15O + e⁻ → ^15N

In this equation, ^15O represents oxygen-15, e⁻ represents an electron, and ^15N is the daughter nucleus formed after electron capture.

So, the identity of the daughter nucleus is nitrogen-15 (^15N).

When the nucleus of oxygen-15 undergoes electron capture, it can be represented by the following reaction equation:

15O + e- -> 14N + ν

In this equation, the oxygen-15 nucleus captures an electron (e-) and transforms into a nitrogen-14 nucleus (14N), while simultaneously emitting a neutrino (ν). Hence, the daughter nucleus formed in this process is nitrogen-14.