Heinz is a recent immigrant Germany Which of the following will not contribute to his feeling of being American.

1. Learning eglish
2. Socializing beyond his native ethnic group
3. Learning aboaut american culture
4. Avoiding other German

In my opinion, none of those answers is correct.

What do you think?

I think it is Learning English

How strange would you feel in a foreign country without knowing the language?

The only possible answer that I see is that avoiding other Germans wouldn't necessarily help him feel more Americanized.

Avoiding other germans

The option that will not contribute to Heinz's feeling of being American is "4. Avoiding other Germans." By avoiding interaction with other Germans, Heinz would be isolating himself from his own cultural background and community. Feeling American is not solely about detaching oneself from their country of origin but about embracing and celebrating diversity while also adopting elements of the American culture.