The Columbus Zoo conducts a study to determine whether a household’s income can be used to predict the amount of money the household will give to the zoo’s annual fund drive. Give explanatory and response variables of this study?

Explanatory Variable: Household Income

Response Variable: Amount of Money Given to the Zoo's Annual Fund Drive

In this study conducted by the Columbus Zoo, the explanatory variable is the household's income, which is the variable that is believed to have an effect on the response variable. The response variable, on the other hand, is the amount of money given by the household to the zoo's annual fund drive. It is the variable that is being measured or observed to understand the relationship with the explanatory variable.

To determine whether a household's income can be used to predict the amount of money the household will give to the fund drive, the researchers would collect data from a sample of households. The explanatory variable, income, would be measured for each household in the sample, capturing factors related to their financial status. The response variable, the amount of money given by each household to the annual fund drive, would then be collected to quantify their contribution.

By analyzing the relationship between these two variables, the researchers can identify any patterns or trends that suggest a potential association between household income and the amount donated to the fund drive. Statistical techniques such as regression analysis can be used to model and predict the amount of money given based on income levels.