if you have completed your degree from a university in Alabama, but decided to move to another state, what would you need to be able to teach in that state. Include everything you would need to teach in that state; degrees, exams, certifications, etc. Also include the salary schedule for beginning teachers, any step raises, any requirements for that particular state

You will need to research the second state and any district that you'd be thinking of applying to. Salary schedules usually change from district to district. Degrees and certifications are different from state to state.

Go to www.google.com and enter some variation of this:

texas department of education

Change the name of the state to suit yourself. Some states may also have separate credentialing commissions, as in California. The logic of this escapes me, but there it is!

To find out what you would need to teach in a different state after completing your degree from a university in Alabama, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the state you want to move to: Each state has its own requirements for teacher certification and employment.

2. Research the state's Department of Education: Visit the website of the Department of Education for the state you are interested in. Look for information specific to teacher certification and requirements.

3. Review the state's teacher certification requirements: Look for details on the type of certification required, exams you may need to take, and any additional qualifications required beyond your degree. Most states require teaching candidates to complete a teacher preparation program or an alternative certification program.

4. Explore reciprocity agreements: Many states have reciprocity agreements that allow teachers from other states to transfer their certification more easily. Look for information on whether the state you are moving to has reciprocity with Alabama or if they have any specific agreements in place.

5. Contact the state's Department of Education: If you are unable to find the specific information you need, reach out to the state's Department of Education for guidance. They can provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding the requirements for teaching in that state.

Regarding the salary schedule and step raises for beginning teachers, every state has different pay scales and policies. You will need to research the specific state you are interested in to find the salary schedule for beginning teachers. Visit the state's Department of Education or the website of the state's teachers' union for information on salary scales.

Additionally, each state may have different requirements or qualifications for step raises or pay increases based on experience or advanced degrees. This information can usually be found in the collective bargaining agreements or salary schedules provided by the state's Department of Education or teachers' union.

Remember, it is important to refer to official sources such as state government websites and education departments to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding teaching certification, requirements, and salary schedules for the state you are interested in.