Your task is to chose at least ONE of the operations(add,substract,multiply or divide)and design a poster that tells someone how to do a calculation in your chosen operation.Do not just do a poster showing a substraction,for example,you need to explain what to do in any substraction calculation for that calculation...

Which operation have you chosen?

I m thinking about multiply and divide.

Sure! Let's design a poster explaining how to perform a division calculation.

Title: Division - How to Divide Numbers

1. Start with a clear equation:
- Example: 48 ÷ 6 = ?

2. Understand the terms:
- The dividend: The number being divided (48 in this example).
- The divisor: The number that divides the dividend (6 in this example).
- The quotient: The result of the division (unknown in this example).

3. Set up the division sign:
- Write the dividend inside the division sign.
- Write the divisor outside the division sign.

4. Begin the division process:
- Find the largest digit in the dividend that the divisor can divide into.
- In this example, 6 can be divided into 4 (the first digit).

5. Write the quotient above the division sign:
- Write the result above the division sign.
- In this example, the quotient will be placed above the division sign as 0.

6. Multiply the quotient by the divisor:
- Multiply the quotient (0) by the divisor (6).
- Write the result below the dividend.
- In this example, it will be written as 0 underneath the 4.

7. Subtract the product from the current digit:
- Subtract the product (0) from the current digit (4).
- Write the difference below.
- In this example, it will be written as 4 below the 0.

8. Bring down the next digit of the dividend:
- Bring down the next digit of the dividend (8).
- Place it next to the difference (4).
- In this example, it will be written as 48 below the 40.

9. Repeat steps 4-8:
- Determine the largest digit, write the quotient, multiply, subtract, and bring down the next digit.
- Continue this process until all digits are brought down or the calculation is complete.

10. Determine the remainder:
- If all digits are brought down, and the division is complete, the remainder is zero.
- If there are remaining digits, the value left is the remainder.

11. Write the final quotient:
- Write the quotient obtained above the division sign.
- In this example, the quotient is 8.

12. Check the answer:
- Multiply the divisor (6) by the final quotient (8).
- The result should match the dividend (48).

Remember to practice more division problems to strengthen your understanding!

48 ÷ 6 = 8