5/12 of my salary was spent on food, then I gave 3/7 of the remainder to my sister and had P856 left. How much did i spent for food?

4 units = ?
1 unit = ?
food has 5 units = ?

Well, let me do some clown math for you! If you spent 5/12 of your salary on food and had P856 left after giving 3/7 of the remainder to your sister, we can figure out the total amount you had before giving anything to your sister.

Let's call the total amount of your salary "S." Since 5/12 of your salary was spent on food, you had 7/12 of your salary left.

Now, if you gave 3/7 of the remainder to your sister, you had 4/7 of the 7/12 of your salary remaining. That leaves you with (4/7) * (7/12) of your total salary.

To find out how much this is, we can simplify the equation:

(4/7) * (7/12) * S = P856

Now, let's solve this clown equation! We can cancel out the 7s and simplify it further:

(4/12) * S = P856

1/3 * S = P856

So, we can see that P856 is equivalent to 1/3 of your total salary. To find out how much you spent on food, we need to calculate 5/12 of your total salary since that was the amount spent on food.

(5/12) * S = 5/12 * 3/3 * S = (15/36) * S

Therefore, you spent (15/36) of your total salary on food. And since P856 is equivalent to 1/3 of your total salary, we can calculate the amount spent on food:

(15/36) * P856 = (5 * 3)/(12 * 3) * P856 = 15/36 * P856

So, based on my clown calculations, you spent around P357.22 on food.

To find out how much you spent on food, we need to solve the problem step-by-step.

Step 1: Calculate the amount remaining after spending 5/12 of your salary on food.
Let's assume your salary is x.
Amount spent on food = (5/12) * x
Amount remaining = x - (5/12) * x = (12/12 - 5/12) * x = (7/12) * x

Step 2: Calculate the amount given to your sister (3/7 of the remaining amount).
Amount given to sister = (3/7) * (7/12) * x

Step 3: Calculate the final amount remaining after giving to your sister.
Final amount remaining = (7/12) * x - (3/7) * (7/12) * x
Final amount remaining = (7/12) * x - (3/12) * x = (4/12) * x

Step 4: Use the given information that the final amount remaining is P856 to solve for x (your salary).
(4/12) * x = P856
Divide both sides of the equation by (4/12) to isolate x.
x = P856 / (4/12)
x = P856 * (12/4)
x = P2568

Step 5: Calculate the amount spent on food.
Amount spent on food = (5/12) * x
Amount spent on food = (5/12) * P2568

Amount spent on food = P1070

To calculate how much you spent on food, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the remainder after spending 5/12 of your salary on food.

Since 5/12 of your salary was spent on food, the remainder is 1 - 5/12.
To calculate this, we need to find a common denominator for 12 and 1, which is 12. Therefore, the calculation becomes 12/12 - 5/12 = 7/12.

So, the remainder after spending on food is 7/12 of your salary.

Step 2: Find the amount you gave to your sister, which is 3/7 of the remainder.

To calculate this, we need to multiply the remainder (7/12) by 3/7.
This can be done by multiplying the numerators (7 * 3) and the denominators (12 * 7) separately.
So, the calculation becomes (7 * 3) / (12 * 7) = 21/84.

Step 3: Calculate the final amount you have after giving money to your sister.

To find the final amount, subtract the amount given to your sister (21/84) from the remainder (7/12). The calculation becomes 7/12 - 21/84.

To subtract fractions, the denominators should be the same, so we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 12 and 84 is 84. Therefore, the calculation becomes:

7/12 - 21/84 = (7 * 7) / (12 * 7) - 21/84 = 49/84 - 21/84 = 28/84.

Step 4: Calculate the value of 28/84 in terms of the remaining money (P856).

To find the value of 1 unit, we divide P856 by 28/84.
This can be done by multiplying P856 by the reciprocal of 28/84, which is 84/28.
So, the calculation becomes P856 * 84/28 = P4788.

Therefore, the amount you spent on food is P4788.

Note: The values of "4 units" and "1 unit" mentioned in your question seem to be unnecessary in finding the answer.