the paralle side of trapezium are 20m and 30m and its non-paralle sides are 6m and 8m .find the area of trapezium

draw a diagram. There will be two triangles at the ends, aid since 20=30-10, their bases will add up to 10.

If the triangle with hypotenuse 6 has base x, then the height h of the trapezoid is

h^2 = 6^2 - x^2
h^2 = 8^2 - (10-x)^2
36 - x^2 = 64 - (10-x)^2
36-x^2 = 64 - 100 + 20x - x^2
72 = 20x
x = 18/5

h^2 = 36 - (18/5)^2
h = 24/5

area = (20+30)/2 * 24/5 = 120



This answers is not cleared my doubt

To find the area of a trapezium, you can use the formula:

Area = (Sum of parallel sides / 2) x height

In this case, the sum of the parallel sides is 20m + 30m = 50m. The height of the trapezium is the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides. To find the height, we can use the Pythagorean theorem.

Considering the sides of lengths 6m and 8m, we can find the height using the formula:

Height = √(side₁^2 - side₂^2)

Plugging in the values, we get:
Height = √(8^2 - 6^2) = √(64 - 36) = √28 ≈ 5.29m

Now, we can substitute the values back into the formula to find the area:

Area = (Sum of parallel sides / 2) x height
= (50m / 2) x 5.29m
= 25m x 5.29m
= 132.25 square meters

Therefore, the area of the trapezium is approximately 132.25 square meters.

Answer is too hard