Solve the proportion using cross products. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

22m/55h = 12m/h hours



Is he/she right?

To solve this proportion using cross products, we need to multiply the outer terms and the inner terms of the proportion and set them equal to each other. Let's do that now:

(22m)(h) = (55h)(12m)

Now, let's simplify each side of the equation:

22mh = 660hm

Since we have mh on both sides of the equation, we can divide both sides by mh to cancel it out:

22 = 660

This is not a possible equation, as 22 is not equal to 660. Therefore, there is no solution to this proportion.

So the correct answer is None or "N/A", as there is no valid solution.

h = 12*55/22 = ?