This is a first grade problem my sister is having trouble. It is enrichment 5-5 " at the carnival" it says how many ways can Amanda ride all 3 rides? We need help cause I don't even know it myself!

Anyone please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's Ride A, Ride B, and Ride C.

She can ride them in any of these orders:

Thank u

I have another question for u. It is, how many different ways can Amanda ride 2 of the 3 ways? Same worksheet at the carnival

To solve the problem "How many ways can Amanda ride all 3 rides?" from enrichment 5-5, we can break it down step by step.

First, let's list the 3 rides that Amanda wants to ride. For simplicity, let's call them Ride A, Ride B, and Ride C.

Now, the question asks how many ways Amanda can ride all 3 rides. This means that we need to find all the possible arrangements or combinations of rides that Amanda can choose.

To do this, we can use a counting strategy called the multiplication principle. According to the multiplication principle, if there are m ways to perform action A and n ways to perform action B, then there are m x n ways to perform both actions A and B together.

In this case, let's apply the multiplication principle:

1) Amanda can choose any of the 3 rides as her first choice (Ride A, Ride B, or Ride C).
2) After choosing her first ride, she would have 2 remaining rides to choose from for her second ride.
3) Finally, she would have 1 ride left for her third ride.

So, Amanda has 3 choices for the first ride, then 2 choices for the second ride, and then only 1 choice for the third ride.

Using the multiplication principle, we multiply these numbers together:

3 x 2 x 1 = 6

Therefore, there are 6 different ways for Amanda to ride all 3 rides at the carnival.