about 7 tenths of the us population in 1991 believed saying 175,104,000 to be true. what was the population?

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if 175,104,000 is 7/10 of the population - what would 100% of the population be?

0.7x = 175,104,000

x = 175,104,000/0.7

x = 250,148,571.429 = 250,148,571

To find the population, we need to calculate 7 tenths (7/10) of the total population.

Step 1: Let's represent the total population as 'x'.

Step 2: According to the problem, 7/10 of the population believed the number 175,104,000 to be true. So we can set up the following equation:
(7/10) * x = 175,104,000

Step 3: To solve for 'x', we can multiply both sides of the equation by 10/7 (or 1.42857142857) to isolate 'x':
(10/7) * (7/10) * x = (10/7) * 175,104,000
x = (10/7) * 175,104,000

Step 4: Calculate the result:
x = 250,148,571.42857142857

Therefore, the approximate population in 1991 is 250,148,571.