What is the word form for .3481?

three thousand, four hundred, eighty-one then-thousandths

To find the word form for the number .3481, you can use the following steps:

1. Identify the place value of each digit in the number. The given number, .3481, can be broken down as follows:
- The digit '3' is in the tenths place.
- The digit '4' is in the hundredths place.
- The digit '8' is in the thousandths place.
- The digit '1' is in the ten thousandths place.

2. Convert each digit into its word form according to its place value:
- The digit '3' in the tenths place is 'three tenths.'
- The digit '4' in the hundredths place is 'four hundredths.'
- The digit '8' in the thousandths place is 'eight thousandths.'
- The digit '1' in the ten thousandths place is 'one ten thousandth.'

3. Combine these word forms together to form the entire number in word form.

Therefore, the word form for .3481 is "three tenths, four hundredths, eight thousandths, one ten-thousandth."