Sharon Spent $2 on a magazine; then she spent half of the rest of her money on shoes. She spent half of her remaining money on lunch. She has $12 left. How much did Sharon start with?

X= X+2+(a÷2)+(b÷2)+12

Thats correct?

let X be the amount she had in the beginning. x-2 after magazine On shoes she spent: (x-2)/2. For lunch she spent: (x-2)/4. She is left with (x-2)/4=12 <=> x-2=48<=> x=$50

Adalberto, your equation makes no sense at all

First of all, why do you have the variable x when it drops out.
You would have
0 = 2 + (a÷2) + (b÷2) + 12

You did not define a or b, so who knows what that is supposed to say.

Go with joanna's solution , she is correct

start with 50
spend $2, left with 48
spend half of that on shoes , left with 24
spend half of that for lunch , left with 12
which is correct

6/24 of 1/2 would be 3/12

No, that equation is not correct. In order to solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

1. Sharon started with some amount of money, let's say X dollars.
2. She spent $2 on a magazine, so she had X - 2 dollars remaining.
3. She spent half of her remaining money on shoes, which means she spent (X - 2) ÷ 2 dollars on shoes. This leaves her with (X - 2) ÷ 2 dollars remaining.
4. She then spent half of her remaining money on lunch, which would be ((X - 2) ÷ 2) ÷ 2 dollars. This leaves her with (((X - 2) ÷ 2) ÷ 2) dollars remaining.
5. Given that she has $12 left, we can set up the equation (((X - 2) ÷ 2) ÷ 2) = 12.

Now, we can solve for X by simplifying the equation:

(((X - 2) ÷ 2) ÷ 2) = 12
(X - 2) ÷ 2 = 2 * 12
(X - 2) ÷ 2 = 24
X - 2 = 24 * 2
X - 2 = 48
X = 48 + 2
X = 50

So, Sharon started with $50.